Our Members 

Here are our member details if you'd like to connect with anyone. 
Business Name and Website Link 
Business Type 
Amy Clarke 
Reiki & Well Being Gift Store 
Carolyn Murphy 
Estate Agents 
Clare McCabe 
Graphic Design Agency & Book Publishing 
Debbie Heron 
Magazine serving the local community in Hinckley 
Debbie Heron 
Magazine serving the local villages around Hinckley 
Flo Chadaway 
Geraldine Muldoon 
Home Dog Boarding 
Heidi Walker 
Hypnotherapy, IEMT & EMDR 
Jade Thumwood 
In-Home Care Services 
Jo Davis 
Karen Cureton 
Social Media Training 
Lisa Bacon 
Lorraine Turnpenny 
Health and Beauty Products 
Manjit Khangura 
HR Consultant & Trade Union 
Michaela Forty 
Independent Care Advocate 
Rachel Markham 
Rachel Nicholson 
Sam de Wit 
Beauty Salon 
Samantha Hughes 
Dog Training & Behaviour Consultant 
Suzanne Barney 
Travel Consultant 
Tillie Graves 
Virtual Assistant